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‘Ratio frequency: insights into usage effects on phonological structure from hiatus resolution in New Mexican Spanish’, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 1: 247–86. ‘Zur Rolle der syntaktischen Interferenz der verwandten und unverwandten Sprachen’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 73: 568–74. Review of Lexicalization and Language Change, Studies in English Literature 50: 226–34. ‘Two types of passivization of “V + NP + P” constructions in relation to idiomatization’, in Teresa Fanego, María José López‐Couso, and Javier Pérez‐Guerra (eds), English Historical Syntax and Morphology. A Study of Verbo‐Nominal Structures in English. Find this resource:Īkimoto, Minoji (1989). Language Change: Progress or Decay? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Find this resource:Īitchison, Jean (1991). Grammars in Contact: A Cross‐Linguistic Typology. Areal Diffusion and Genetic Inheritance: Problems in Comparative Linguistics. ‘Information source and evidentiality: what can we conclude?’, Rivista di linguistica 19: 207–27 (dated 2007, published 2008). ‘Evidentiality in grammar’, in Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edn, vol. (Paperback, with revisions, 2006.) Find this resource: ‘Mechanisms of change in areal diffusion: new morphology and language contact’, Journal of Linguistics 39: 1–29. Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices.

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‘Areal diffusion in northwest Amazonia: the case of Tariana’, Anthropological Linguistics 38: 73–116. ‘Split ergativity in Berber languages’, St Petersburg Journal of African Studies 4: 39–68. Find this resource:Īikhenvald, Alexandra Y. ‘The semantic path from modality to aspect: be able to in a cross‐linguistic perspective’, in Lindquist and Mair (2004a: 57–78). ‘ I think: an English modal particle’, in Toril Swan and Olaf Jansen Westvik (eds), Modality in Germanic Languages: Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Fisiak (ed.), Historical Semantics and Historical Word‐Formation. ‘The semantic development of will’, in J. PhD dissertation, Yonsei University, Korea.Īijmer, Karen (1985).

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‘A study of the phenomena of grammaticization in the Korean noun’. Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Historical Linguistics. Find this resource:Īhlqvist, Anders (ed.) (1982).

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‘Contribution à la protohistoire des articles ille et ipse dans les langues romanes’, Cultura Neolatina 8: 181–203. Find this resource:Īebischer, Paul (1948). ‘A lovely little example: word order options and category shift in the premodifying string’, in Olga Fischer, Anette Rosenbach, and Dieter Stein (eds), Pathways of Change: Grammaticalization in English. Find this resource:Īdamson, Sylvia (2000). An Introduction to Modern English Word‐Formation. Find this resource:Īdams, Valerie (2002). ‘Some neglected evidence for Latin habeo with infinitive: the order of the constituents’, Transactions of the Philological Society 89: 131–96.

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Modality–Aspect Interfaces: Implications and Typological Solutions. ‘The discourse‐functional crystallization of DP from the original demonstrative’, in Stark et al. ‘The grammaticalization of the infinitival preposition: toward a theory of “grammaticalizing reanalysis”’, Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 7.2: 111–70. ‘Autonomous and non‐autonomous components of “grammaticalization”: economy criteria in the emergence of German negation’, Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 56.4, 325–65. Vogel and Bernard Comrie (eds), Approaches to the Typology of Word Classes. ‘Modal particles in German: word classification and legacy beyond grammaticalisation’, in Petra M. Wildgen (eds), Sprache in Raum und Zeit, in Memoriam Johannes Bechert, Band 2: Beitrage zur Empirischen Sprachwissenschaft. ‘The aspectual source of the epistemic‐root distinction of modal verbs’, in H. ‘The interdependence of case, aspect and referentiality in the history of German: the case of the verbal genitive’, in van Kemenade and Vincent (1997: 29–61). Grammatikalisierung und Reanalyse: Einander ausschließende oder ergänzende Begriffe?’, Folia Linguistica Historica 13.1–2: 7–26. ‘The grammaticalization of the German modal particles’, in Traugott and Heine (1991b: 331–80). Find this resource:Ībraham, Werner (1991). ‘Variation and change in Spanish future temporal expression’, doctoral dissertation, University of New Mexico.

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